Protecting the Senior Community

While elder law can cover several areas, its goal remains the same: to protect the rights of our seniors as they age.

Marcio Soares is a passionate elder law attorney in Tyler, TX. He is here to help you age with dignity and prepare your estate for your loved ones when you’re gone.

By proactively planning for the future, you decide what happens during difficult situations so your family doesn’t have to.

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Medicaid Planning
in Tyler, TX

If you’re filling out the Medicaid application, you may be worried about getting the funds you need while also protecting your assets. While you may be worried about not qualifying for Medicaid with your current assets, you have options.

Medicaid planning is a special area of law designed to help you and your loved ones qualify for assistance without endangering your assets. That way, you get the care you need while preserving something for your loved ones.

Medicaid planning is a complex area of law, but Marcio Soares has the strategies you need to execute your wishes as you see fit.

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Advance Directives and Living Wills
in Tyler, TX

An advance healthcare directive or living will is an invaluable tool if you and your family find yourselves in a difficult medical situation.

This document outlines your preferred medical treatment if you’re unable to make decisions yourself. By clarifying your preferences now, you save your family from stress during an already stressful time.

The Soares Law Firm helps draft a living will that clearly outlines your wishes and how you want them done.

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in Tyler, TX

Trusts offer many benefits to you and your beneficiaries. By involving a third party in the distribution of your assets, you specify how your beneficiary receives your assets and even avoid probate, depending on how you set it up.

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Book Your Legacy Planning Session

Having an estate plan can provide clarity to your family during a distressing time. With a plan already in place, they can focus on grieving rather than wading through unfinished affairs.At Soares Law Firm, we aim to make this time as pain-free as possible. We help you care for your family even after you’re gone.

Secure Your Legacy

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